domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Sherlock Holmes : "The Blue Diamond"

Two days after Christmas Dr. Watson went to Sherlock Holmes´s house. When he arrived, he found him with some newspaper and an interesting old hat.
Peterson, the doorman at Baker Street Hotel found it en the street and brought it to Holmes´s home on Cristmas Day for him to look at. He also brought a dead bird with him, a good fat Christmas goose, at the same time.
There was a little ticket on the goose´s left leg: "For Mr. Henry Baker". There was the letters H.B. in the hat too.
When Peterson´s wife was cooking the goose, she found a beautiful blue diamond in the bird. This was the countess of Morcar´s blue diamond. It had disappeared a week ago. It was a very expensive jewel. Someone took it from her rooms in the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Now the Countess wants to get her diamond back.
Holmes got an old newspaper and he read the report: "The police think John Horner took the diamond from a jewel box when he went to repair the window in the room. James Ryder, the assistant manager of the hotel, told the court: "I took Horner to the Countess´s room but then I went away for some time. When I came back, Horner wasn´t there, I found the open box, whit out the jewel in it. The police found Horner at his home but they couldn´t find the diamond.
The diamond came from the goose, and the goose came from Mr. Henry Baker, the man with the old hat. Dr. Watson and Holmes wrote a newspaper advertisement: "Did you lose a goose and a black hat?. Are you called Henry Baker?..." They believe Henry Baker is an innocent man.
Mr. Baker is not their diamond thief. He got that bird at a pub, where the owner of the pub began a goose club. Every week they all put five or six pence into a money box and at Christmas time they all had the money for a goose.
Other people were asking questions about the geese: he was James Ryder, the Assistant Manager of the Cosmopolitan Hotel; when the police arrested Horner, he left the hotel with the diamond in his pocket, he went to his sister´s house, in the garden, Ryder quickly caught a big white goose, then he took the diamond and put it into the bird´s mouth. But the goose was no different from the other.
Holmes and Watson knew nearly everything about the case. They thought they could help Ryder to be a better man. They found the solution to the crime.
...And it was Christmas, after all, and Christmas is a time to be nice to other people.

Mª Soledad García Gutiérrez. PALE A

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